We’re delighted that our chairs have been put to work for health and healing in Macclesfield.
Below are excerpts from the original press release:

“The Christie at Macclesfield benefits patients from Cheshire, the High Peak area of Derbyshire and parts of North Staffordshire who would normally have to travel long distances for their cancer treatment at The Christie. This means they will be able to receive their treatment closer to home.

The Christie at Macclesfield will treat patients with the most common cancers like breast, bowel, and lung. Patients with rare and complex cancers will continue to be treated at The Christie in Withington.

While you’re at The Christie at Macclesfield, you will remain under the care of your Christie consultant. You’ll continue to receive regular appointments for medical reviews either at the main Christie site or at The Christie at Macclesfield.

The £26 million development at The Christie at Macclesfield is the third in a network of local Christie radiotherapy centres where patients can access first-class radiotherapy treatments from Christie experts, but much closer to home. The other centres are in Oldham and Salford.

In addition to providing 12,500 radiotherapy appointments a year, The Christie at Macclesfield will transform cancer care, delivering local specialist access to chemotherapy, holistic support and information services, outpatient care, palliative care, counselling and complementary therapy and a wider range of clinical trials than at present.

The centre will provide 46,000 patient appointments and visits each year and provide care closer to home for more than 1,500 patients a year.”

You can watch a video demonstration of the Macclesfield treatment centre at the top of this article,
The full text of the announcement can be found on the Christie’s website by clicking here.

Original Source: